The Song You Didn’t Know You Were Singing

My friend Erin brought it to my attention years ago, that I sing almost everything I say. Not original songs (though I make those up too-not good ones but they rhyme sometimes) but songs that pop into my head. They pop in and stay awhile. Sometimes they drive you crazy (If you are anything like me, an Nsync song just popped into your head) because sometimes you can’t stop singing the song. It just plays over and over again in your mind. I also realized that I repeatedly sing the same songs. We all do it. We all have our own mind playlist. Here is mine.

Here is a list of The Top Played Songs in my mind.

1. So Close Yet So Far Away by Hall and Oats

I sing the chorus to this song probably every week. I sang it this week when I kept beating kids I was babysitting at Connect 4. I’m just a master at Connect 4 and I don’t care if you are a kid, I will not take it easy on you. So every game we played the more they wanted to beat me and the more obnoxious I became about how they never would.  (Connect 4 also makes this song play in my mind-youtube=

2. Cheer Up Charlie by Charlie Bucket’s Mom during her break from washing laundry in a big pot with a large wooden spoon

This song I sing to anyone who is pouting or needs to turn their frown upside down. I like to think it helps. I get pretty into my character.

3. Que Sera Sera by Doris Day

For those who don’t know Que Sera Sera means “Whatever will be, will be”. This song is the song that comes in your head when you make a big life decision like eating that extra ice cream. Que Sera Sera..if I gain weight, I gain weight.

4. It’s Beginning to look a lot like Christmas by Bing Crosby

I am one of those crazy people who puts up my Christmas decorations the first week of November. I love everything about Christmas; the family time, making gingerbread houses, hot cocoa, all the Christmas movies, ABC Family 25 Days of Christmas, decorations, Christmas songs, the candlelight service at church, etc.. You name it, I love it. So when I see Christmas decorations, smell cinnamon or even smell burning wood, this song pops into my head. I sing this song with a little more gusto and glee than the other songs on the list. It is the most wonderful time of the year after all.

5. Ice, Ice Baby by Vanilla Ice

I don’t think anyone from my generation can hear the word, “STOP” without following it with, “Collaborate and listen”.

6. Only Time Will Tell by Nelson

I’m sure most of your lives have been impacted by this powerful love ballad. In case their mass popularity has slipped your mind, Nelson was a duo of twin brothers. There father was the famous Ricky Nelson. I was a big Ozzie and Harriet watcher as a kid so you can imagine my excitement when little Ricky’s two beautiful sons made an album. Who was I going to like the most? Matthew with bangs or Gunner without bangs? Like my mom who loves bangs, I chose Matthew. Only time will tell comes in my mind when it’s going to take some time to figure something out or a big decision is made. Only time will tell if the decision I am making is the right decision. Liking Nelson? Great decision!

7. Free at Last by DC Talk

Any of you who grew up in a youth group had your favorite bus trip cd or cassette in some cases. This album came out when I was in  jr. high. I know other people in the youth group including our leaders wanted to listen to something like Petra or The Newsboys instead of listening to DC Talk to and from any retreats we went on but I wanted none of it. if it wasn’t DC Talk playing in the brown church van, I was talking to my friends about boys instead of listening. For the record, same goes for today.

8. Every Little Step by Bobby Brown

I like this song just as much today as I did back when I was wearing leggings (the first time they came around). Every time I say or someone else says, “Every little” this songs starts playing in my head and I start singing/rapping and doing the “Bobby Brown”. Yeah, that’s a dance move and I can do it with ease.

9. SHOOP by Salt and Peppa

I remember being at a pool party in the 6th grade. I was never particularly cool but some of the people at the party were considered to be. This was the first song, I ever made a point to memorize the words to and my efforts paid off.  Of course I had no idea what the song was about just that it was the new hip jam. When this song came on the boombox and I effortlessly rapped with perfect timing, one of the cool kids, said, “You know the words to this song? Cool.” From that point on until maybe the end of the pool party, I was considered less of a nerd. To this day if someone says, “What you wanna do?” The lyrics to this song enter my mind.

10. Just You Wait Henry Higgins by Eliza Doolittle

I think my inner nerd has escaped through my “mind playlist” so this jewel of a song should come to no surprise. I had this fascination with Audrey Hepburn in high school so I watched My Fair Lady a lot during the mid-90s. So when I am shaking my finger at someone and saying, “Just you wait” it is quickly followed by “Henry Higgins”. Most people get the reference some just add that to my other strange traits. Either way, it’s a win-win.   (more…)

September 29, 2010. My Way of Thinking. Leave a comment.

What Your Fingernails Say About You

There are many types of people in this world and many different ways to discover what type of person someone really is. You can look through their iTunes, Netflix views, glance at their bookshelf or around their house to see what is important enough for them to display. In the dating world this is very important. I know if a guy has a display case in his house of Star Wars action figures, he is not for me. However, if a guy can play Saved By The Bell trivia with me, he is worth getting to know. One way that opens the door into what type of person someone is would be their fingernails.


The Miss America (Acrylic) : This woman cares about how she looks. She is either a professional, a make-up artist, or going to prom. This woman wants you to notice that she is well put together. The acrylic nail looks nice but takes a lot of maintenance. This woman is signing a contract that says I will be back to refill my nails every two weeks or suffer through the pain of soaking them in nail polish remover for hours and then ripping them off along with my own real nail.  The Acrylic woman is making a life choice.

The Bejeweled Acrylic: This woman like The Miss America woman is making a life choice but she has a different message. The Bejeweled Acrylic wants the world to know she is rolling in the bucks because she has a diamond stud in her nails (and possibly in her teeth).

The  Sensible Nail (Painted Natural): This woman is more practical. She is not going to pay for something that she can do herself. She still wants people to see that she is well put together but she puts in the time and does it herself.

The Worker (Short Natural): This woman doesn’t care what other people think of her nails. She cuts them short because she thinks long nails get in her way. She will have to rub her back against a post to scratch it but she doesn’t care.

The Worrier (Biter): This woman is nervous or has developed a bad habit. She bites her nails when she is thinking, worrying or just to get the rest of them even with the nail she just broke.


The Teen Wolf (long nails): There are three types of The Teen Wolf:

1.) The Musician: The Musician Teen Wolf keeps his nails long to better play the guitar or any

instrument involving strings.

2.) The Absent Minded: This man has no idea what his nails look like. He hasn’t looked at them in weeks.

3.) The Serial Killer: I have never come in contact with a serial killer (that I know of) but in my mind they have unkempt nails. Interesting side note: There was a serial killer called the “Manicure Murderer” who would clip his victim’s nails and send them to family members. He was very upset by his nickname and was made fun of in the serial killer community.

The Rowland (manicured nails): I named this one after my Uncle Rowland who has the most beautiful pedicured toes I have ever seen on a man. The Rowland cares about the way he looks. He wants to look put together. He also enjoys being pampered once in a while.

The I’m in a Punk Rock Band( painted black nails): This man wants his nails to stand out. He wants his black nails to match the rest of his outfit and his hair. He wants to stand outside of the box that says only girls can wear nail polish but wants to sit comfortably inside the box that says you have black nails if you are a punk rocker.

The Druggy (one long nail): His long nail is used as a utensil.

The Scott Howard (clean and clipped): The Scott Howard keeps his nails clean and clipped because he likes the way they look and feel.

The Worrier (Biter):This man just like the woman biter is nervous or has developed a bad habit.

The Guinness (ridiculously long nails): This woman or man grow out their nails for one reason; to be in the Guinness Book of World Records. This honor currently goes to Lee Redmond who hasn’t cut her nails since 1979. I’m guessing she doesn’t wear contacts.

Like all personality types, not all fingernails are a good match. The Scott Howard is the most compatible with all the  women’s nails. It’s best to stay away from the The Serial Killer Teen Wolf and The Druggy.

September 26, 2010. My Way of Thinking. 2 comments.

Gas Tanks and Satellite Dishes

Today I went on a voyage with my friend Jenne. We were driving across beautiful countryside when I found something catching my eye. I immediately yelled out, “gas tank” as most people do in the middle of a conversation. While explaining myself I continually yelled out “gas tank” ( if you don’t say it, it doesn’t count) because there is a plethora of gas tanks in Southern Indiana. When I was younger and driving the forty minutes to my Grandma’s house, my Dad thought up a game that has stuck with me for decades. My sister and I were to count the gas tanks while my Dad counted the satellite dishes. Sounds fun, right?  TOTALLY RIGHT!! My and Mandi’s eyes were peeled for a full 45 minutes. No matter how many times we played this game, we always were just as into it as the first time. Hoping someone new would have gotten a gas tank or gotten rid of their satellite dishes. I can tell you the outcome never changed. There are more gas tanks than satellite dishes on the back roads to Garrison, KY but that didn’t matter to us. We always wanted to play, always wanted to spend time with Dad and especially wanted to beat him at his own game.

I was thinking about how that gas tank was so visible to me and completely invisible to Jenne. How I could see them out of the corner of my eye and behind a house. I was always aware. I started to think about how something that should blend into the background, becomes a focal point.

I started thinking about how a relationship with God, talking with Him daily and reading His word, makes Him more visible. We see Him without trying. We see Him in His creation but also in each other. But when we don’t know God or we have put  Him on the back burner of our life, we aren’t aware that He is right next to us wanting us to notice Him.

So if you see God in the big things or the little things, don’t be afraid to yell it out. The person next to you might not see Him but you can be the one to point Him out. “Gas Tank!”

Romans 1:20For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

September 22, 2010. Growing Up. 8 comments.