Time to Celebrate

When I was a kid I use to say Winter was my favorite season.  I loved playing in the snow. Growing up in a small town, I remember my friend Katie’s dad tying a plastic sled onto his truck and driving slowly down the small town streets as we held on for dear life. I loved the feeling of being exhausted and numb but coming back inside a warm house to thaw out and drink hot chocolate. But as I’ve gotten older I’ve noticed January and February are the months I dread the most maybe because I’m not celebrating these months like I use to. I’ve decided this January and February (and probably some of March) I will spend celebrating. Want to know how to celebrate your January? Below are actual holidays to celebrate the first month of 2011. There is one for each day some days have two holidays. Let’s get rid of this dreary winter by making it something to celebrate.

The Entire Month of  January we celebrate:


  • National Bath Safety Month
  • National Blood Donor Month
  • National Braille Literacy Month
  • National Hobby Month
  • Hot Tea Month
  • National Oatmeal Month
  • National Soup Month

Week Celebrations:

2nd Week Letter Writing Week

Daily Celebrations:

January 2: Run up the Flagpole and See if Anyone Salutes Day

This is a day to be creative. Share your ideas and see if any of them take off or just wear an outfit that isn’t normally your style or fix your hair in a creative way.

January 3: Festival of Sleep Day

This Day is for sleeping in! I have to go back to work on this day so I will have to celebrate this day from tomorrow until January 3rd.

January 3: Fruitcake Toss Day

Time to toss that Fruitcake your Uncle Roy gave you for Christmas

January 3: Humiliation Day

This day is not meant for humiliating someone but instead time to recognize the negativity some people show others by humiliating them in public.

January 4: Trivia Day

Time to share trivia with family and friends or maybe play a game of Trivial Pursuit.

January 5: National Bird Day/ Jenny Bear’s birthday!

This day is set aside to recognize birds. I don’t really have a soft spot for birds so I will celebrate my good friend Jenny’s birthday!!

January 6: Bean Day

This day is basically about eating beans.

January 6: Cuddle Up Day

This is a night to cuddle up with someone you feel comfortable cuddling up with. Perhaps your sweetie or your dog. If you are lucky, you get to cuddle up with both.

January 7: Old Rock Day

This is a day to appreciate old rocks and fossils…maybe a trip to Tiffany’s would do the trick. This is also my friend Ali’s birthday so I might be celebrating that instead.

January 8: Bubble Bath Day

Time to take a bubble bath! I celebrate this day often. Guys, don’t feel left out. Time to celebrate your feminine side.

January 8: Male Watcher’s Day

Time for the ladies to watch their men! Watch them at work, at the beach or watch them change your air filter. Does any male want to change my air filter on this day?

January 9: Play God Day

None of us could really attempt to play God but we could make someone’s day brighter. Might be a good day to bring Starbucks to someone at work. This always makes my day brighter.

January 10: Peculiar People Day

Finally a day to celebrate the peculiar people in your life. Celebrate them by doing something peculiar yourself. I know you have it in you.

January 11: Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friend Day

Good thing I am a first grade teacher, I know if there are puddles on this day then this day will be celebrated by my first graders.

January 12: Feast of Fabulous Wild Men Day

I was unable to find the origin of this day or how you are supposed to celebrate.  I guess you just use your imagination.

January 12: National Pharmacist Day

If you know a Pharmacist or visit Walgreens today, might want to wish them a happy day or give them some candy or maybe even a hug.

January 13: Make Your Dream Come True Today

This is a dat spent making one of your dreams come true. Maybe it means making plans to finally go on that trip to Hawaii. Whatever your dream is, take a step in the right direction of making it come true today!

January 14: Dress Up Your Pet Day 

Watch out Gwynnie! Time to put your sweater back on.

January 15: National Hat Day

Wear a hat of your style and preference on this day !

January 16: National Nothing Day

This is a day of doing nothing or perhaps watching Seinfield.

January 17: National Ditch New Year’s Resolution Day

Been dieting for 17 days…well quit it!

January 17: Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Time to celebrate how far we have come in the last 50 years.

January 18: Thesaurus Day

I think this video says it all. 

January 18: Winnie the Pooh Day

This is the birthday of Winnie the Pooh author A.A. Milne. Celebrate by reading a Pooh story to a child of your choice or just to yourself. Who doesn’t need a little more Winne the Pooh in their lives?

January 19: National Popcorn Day

Pop up some popcorn and enjoy!

January 20: National Buttercrunch Day

Today you can enjoy buttercrunch candy, ice cream or anything buttercrunch.

January 20: Penguin Awareness Day

Maybe your nearest Aquarium has Penguins you can go visit. They like an audience.

January 21: National Hugging Day

Watch out world…and possibly penguins. I might have to combine the days.

January 21: National Squirrel Day

Maybe bring some nuts to give to your favorite nut-loving creatures.

January 22: National Blonde Brownie Day

This day is set aside for making blonde brownies. To make blonde brownie, light brown sugar is used in the recipe instead of dark brown chocolate.

January 23: National Pie Day

I will spend this day eating Caramel Apple Pie from Homemade Ice cream and Pie Kitchen

January 23: National Handwriting Day

Time to get out your pen and paper and write. How long has it been since you had a cramp in your hand from writing for too long?

January 23: Measure Your Feet Day

I think this day seems optional.

January 24: Beer Can Appreciation Day

Did you know some people collect beer cans? If you have an old beer can it can be worth a lot of money. Check with collectors or ebay.

January 24: Compliment Day

This is a great day to give others a sincere compliment.

January 25: Opposite Day

I will be sure to not tell my first graders that it is Opposite Day. “Get out your pencils. It’s opposite day, she means don’t get out your pencils.”  That would be a long day!

January 26: Spouse’s Day

This is a day to celebrate your better half!

January 27: Chocolate Cake Day

For you cake lovers, do you a need a day to celebrate cake? If so, here is your day. Enjoy!

January 27: Punch the Clock Day

No one really knows how to celebrate this day. I would suggest punching the clock with gusto and celebrate being employed!

January 28: Fun At Work Day

Make work fun this day by being creative. It might be a good day to show a co worker how well you can rap, “Bust a Move”!

January 28: National Kazoo Day

This is a day to celebrate musical instruments specifically the Kazoo.

January 29: National Puzzle Day

This is a day to celebrate puzzles all shapes and sizes. You might want to help a toddler with a 25 piece puzzle or you are a puzzle fanatic who can do a 1,00o piece puzzles. Either way, get your puzzles out and your brain working.

January 29: National Cornchip Day

Come on America! You know what to do!

January 30: National Inane Answering Machine Message Day

This is a day to change your answering machine outgoing message to something stupid, silly or well inane.

January 31: National Backwards Day 

A day to do anything you want backwards.

January 31: Inspire Your Heart With Art Day

This is a day to observe Art. Go to a museum or create your own art. We all have an inner artist. Here is one of my art pieces. Who doesn’t love Peanut Butter! Feel free to appreciate my art. 

Have fun celebrating January! Look back next month on ways to celebrate February.

December 30, 2010. Tags: , , . Uncategorized. 2 comments.