Gas Tanks and Satellite Dishes

Today I went on a voyage with my friend Jenne. We were driving across beautiful countryside when I found something catching my eye. I immediately yelled out, “gas tank” as most people do in the middle of a conversation. While explaining myself I continually yelled out “gas tank” ( if you don’t say it, it doesn’t count) because there is a plethora of gas tanks in Southern Indiana. When I was younger and driving the forty minutes to my Grandma’s house, my Dad thought up a game that has stuck with me for decades. My sister and I were to count the gas tanks while my Dad counted the satellite dishes. Sounds fun, right?  TOTALLY RIGHT!! My and Mandi’s eyes were peeled for a full 45 minutes. No matter how many times we played this game, we always were just as into it as the first time. Hoping someone new would have gotten a gas tank or gotten rid of their satellite dishes. I can tell you the outcome never changed. There are more gas tanks than satellite dishes on the back roads to Garrison, KY but that didn’t matter to us. We always wanted to play, always wanted to spend time with Dad and especially wanted to beat him at his own game.

I was thinking about how that gas tank was so visible to me and completely invisible to Jenne. How I could see them out of the corner of my eye and behind a house. I was always aware. I started to think about how something that should blend into the background, becomes a focal point.

I started thinking about how a relationship with God, talking with Him daily and reading His word, makes Him more visible. We see Him without trying. We see Him in His creation but also in each other. But when we don’t know God or we have put  Him on the back burner of our life, we aren’t aware that He is right next to us wanting us to notice Him.

So if you see God in the big things or the little things, don’t be afraid to yell it out. The person next to you might not see Him but you can be the one to point Him out. “Gas Tank!”

Romans 1:20For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

September 22, 2010. Growing Up.


  1. Jenne replied:

    Yay Megan! You’re a blogger! I like the pics you found, haha.

  2. My Life With Freckles replied:

    Hip Hip Hooray! I did it! Your turn now.

  3. Jenna replied:

    Yeah for your first blog!!! It’s great 🙂

  4. Julie replied:

    Ms. LeMaster,
    Jamie sent me your link…I enjoyed your post! Reminds me of a simaliar story. My dad would be driving and we’d play the “cow game”! My sister was to count the cows on her side and I counted the cows on my side. I guess our little brother was stuck in the middle of the backseat! But dad would slow down sometimes when the cows were on my side so I could count more then speed up when they were on my sisters side so she couldnt count as many and vice versa! It always was fun and one of those stories you remember for a life time! I wonder if there are any kids who are making memories like that these days with their dads? Thanks for sharing your story and how it does so relate with our relationship with the Lord! Hope you are having a great new school year!

    Julie (Makayla’s Mimi)

  5. Kelly Gill replied:

    Wow!!! You really are a blogger. I am so impressed and moved by what you have written here. I feel (serously) blessed to call you my friend.What a great example of Christ you are to all the young lives that you touch.

  6. My Life With Freckles replied:

    Thanks Ladies. I have many memories driving those back roads. They are precious to me. Thanks for reading.

  7. jules replied:

    Wow. you actually taught me something!! it’s like you sneak taught me something.. cause i didn’t expect it. And then i was like wow… i learned about God needs to be a focal point. Your such a great teacher and sneaky one. 🙂 love your new blog

  8. Chelsey replied:

    I love this. Wonderfully written!

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